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To connect to various networks, use the appropriate network flag for the specific network and relay URL, e.g. -kiln, -ropsten, -sepolia, -goerli or -mainnet. You can add multiple relays comma-separated to the -relays flag, like this: -relays https://relay1,https://relay2

You can find a comprehensive list of relays at

Mainnet Relay

Run mev-boost pointed at our Mainnet Relay:

./mev-boost -mainnet -relay-check -relays

Goerli testnet

Run mev-boost pointed at our Goerli Relay:

./mev-boost -goerli -relay-check -relays

Sepolia testnet

Run mev-boost pointed at our Sepolia Relay:

./mev-boost -sepolia -relay-check -relays

mev-boost cli arguments

$ ./mev-boost -help
Usage of ./mev-boost:
-addr string
listen-address for mev-boost server (default "localhost:18550")
shorthand for '-loglevel debug'
-genesis-fork-version string
use a custom genesis fork version
use Goerli
log in JSON format instead of text
-loglevel string
minimum loglevel: trace, debug, info, warn/warning, error, fatal, panic (default "info")
use Mainnet
check relay status on startup and on the status API call
-relay-monitors string
relay monitor urls - single entry or comma-separated list (scheme://host)
-relays string
relay urls - single entry or comma-separated list (scheme://pubkey@host)
-request-timeout-getheader int
timeout for getHeader requests to the relay [ms] (default 950)
-request-timeout-getpayload int
timeout for getPayload requests to the relay [ms] (default 4000)
-request-timeout-regval int
timeout for registerValidator requests [ms] (default 3000)
use Sepolia
only print version

Checking if everything works

You can check if you setup works by looking up the validator registration of your proposer using the Relay Data API.

Example API URL: